Backstage With Adele


Touring with over 100 personnel, the production team chose RFIDentikit’s event accreditation systme AllowMe to manage various internal and external tasks.

For the touring staff, printed accreditation are created using the customisable print layouts, overlaying photo, name and job roll on stock passes provided by RFIDentikit

Crew information for H&S compliance, insurance and day-to-day human resources is all held centrally in AllowMe, with updates being managed by individuals via the portal.

As well as internal tasks, the tour is using the AllowMe rfid event managment system to manage its Guest Lists. With automated email communication, a request for tickets can be made, reviewed and approved with a few clicks of a mouse.

The invitation-only portal allows people to request a limited number of tickets for future shows, and track their progress. This allows Adele’s ticketing team to manage the process in one place without having to collate hundreds of emails and pieces of paper!