Royal International Air Tattoo


Working with SEP Event Services, we were invited to integrate with their Traffic Management and Accreditation System that they were locked in with to provide a sophisticated meal scanning system for the 13,000+ workers supporting the 3 day public show of the latest technology and iconic air machines from around the world.

The project quickly evolved to a place where RFIDentikit’s AllowME event accreditatio software was used as the central meal management software with over 60,000 meals in 4 sittings per day, for 23 days, in 5 locations.

Data was pulled into AllowME using various methods from 4 different sources.

One company provided the accreditation and personal data – this was imported via an API routine inside AllowME, bringing in new and updated card data, and checking for new and updated photos. Regular updates automatically kept track of new cards being issued or voided, ensuring synchronisation with the onsite access scanning.

Meal information for Volunteers came as API REST Push from SalesForce – with each meal being allocated to a person, but also respecting limits set in AllowME to avoid over subscribing a meal sitting in any location.

The Military teams provided grids of data, which was imported using AllowME’s data import function.

Using the meal grid user interface in AllowME, any ad-hoc meals could be added or edited.

ScanME’s Catering app – ‘Meals’, provided a comprehensive scanning solution for the RFID enabled Passes that we provided. A scan reported if a meal for that sitting in that location had been authorized and if not, which location the person should be eating, or if the meal had already been taken, where and at what time.

It also enabled an override for the operator to use at their discretion. Team members could also collect meals for other people – recording whose meal was taken by whom, avoiding people eating twice in a sitting.

All the data was available in live reports for the catering staff and meal supervisors who could see expected vs taken including meals issued on an ah-hoc basis.

Post session reports were issued to show which stakeholders has requested meals but not taken them. The data will be used to compare the meal planning against the actual, and reduce wastage that occurs from over ordering, and avoid shortages from people eating in the wrong location or taking a meal without pre-ordering.