Soundstorm, Riyadh

RFIDentikit work with MDL Beast to provide our gold standard event accreditation software and RFID access control system to the enormous Soundstorm festival.
Based in the outskirts of Riyadh this huge multi-stage, 4-day concert took over 100 days to build.
Our team of 13 technicians were on-hand throughout the event, deploying over 150 RFID access control points positioned to verify the integrity of all the passes entering and transiting the site.
Due to the size of the site a sophisticated zoning system was developed with different zone sets coming into force at different stages of the project. Our gold-standard accreditation software created and maintained the access of hundreds of thousands of credentials with updates being pushed site wide in seconds. We provided a unique journey for Heads of Departments which simplified their ability to submit requests on behalf of their workforce and upload company specific documents such as health and safety and insurance paperwork.
Feeding 20,000 people per mealtime in a short window is a mammoth task for most events with little help being provided by their software. RFIDentikit is very different.
Alongside access, we collected allergy and dietary information of all attendees feeding this directly to the catering division of the event. Any special meals that were produced could be requested from the dashboard when that individual scanned their pass at the entrance keeping count on the number used as well as ensuring that the kitchens operated efficiently.
We deployed our catering scanners across 3 catering sites to check the eligibility of each patron on a per meal per day basis ensuring that not only did staff know which catering area they had been assigned to but also that the caterers were aware of how many people per meal had been fed against the amount booked. This was presented on a live dashboard showing all catering areas at once.
The data produced through this catering system gave insights into catering uptake trends, flow rate of catering access and dwell time inside catering areas, all great for future event planning. In total, we collected several million scans for this event culminating in the production of a detailed data pack.
We know that every scan tells part of a story and that is why we don’t let any scans go to waste. Our data packs are full, detailed and tailored towards the metrics that count to our clients.
Our AllowME accreditation system powered a brand-aware portal, used to collect various pieces from attendees during registration such as:
- Visa requirements
- Flight and transport needs
- Vehicle booking and on-site plant hire.
- Golf buggy requesting
- Accommodation requirements
- Dietary and allergy needs
- Catering requirements
All the information collected is made accessible to organizers through custom reports and live dashboards ensuring an awareness of uptake and capacity of various services put in place for contractors on site to use.